This whitepaper, "Every Hour Counts: The Power of Financial Volunteering in the Non-Profit Sector" produced in partnership with Marks Sattin, highlights the critical role of finance professionals in supporting the non-profit sector.
Facing unprecedented challenges, including reduced donations and increased demand, non-profits urgently need skilled financial volunteers. However, current volunteering levels are alarmingly low, particularly among younger demographics.
Our comprehensive analysis from industry research and a series of stakeholder events, identifies strategies to enhance volunteer recruitment, support, and retention, calling for a collaborative effort to mobilise finance professionals, ensuring their skills make a positive impact in building a more financial resilience non-profit sector.

We extend our thanks to Marks Sattin for their ongoing support of Charterpath’s mission to chart a path between non-profits and financial skills. We also thank all the individuals and organisations who have actively participated in our events - your contributions have been invaluable in shaping the findings and recommendations in this whitepaper.
This #EveryHourCounts whitepaper underscores an important truth - every hour of volunteer effort truly counts, especially in these challenging times. Together, we have the power to build a more resilient and impactful non-profit sector.
Alice and Alex
Co-Founders, Charterpath
About Charterpath
Alice Clementi and Alex Marsh co-founded Charterpath as a community interest company in 2020, with a mission to increase the proportion of professionals with financial skills volunteering from 10% to 50%. Charterpath has already built a diverse and highly engaged community of over 2,000 professionals with financial skills, having successfully connected over 150 non-profits with volunteers, ranging from The Trussell Trust, to the Together Coalition founded by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Scouts and Manchester Deaf Centre.
About Marks Sattin
Marks Sattin is a heritage recruitment brand. With offices across the UK, Ireland and Europe, they have over 30 years’ experience of finding professionals their next exciting opportunity, and consulting with companies - from global organisations to growing SMEs - to find the very best talent to drive their businesses forward. They offer a full multi-channel recruitment service for interim and permanent financial, accounting, risk compliance, business change and technology positions. For more information, visit: